Straight forward friendly and professional Mortgage advice. Solutions tailored to your needs!

Call us on 07949 592 192

We can examine a comprehensive range of mortgages from across the market on your behalf and advise you on the most suitable options for your individual circumstance. We take the confusion out of mortgages and present the options clearly and simply, allowing you to make sense of the products available.

We use professional sourcing software which is updated daily to bring you the latest deals so if you are a first time buyer, homemover, remortgaging, sorting out your buy to let investments or need other mortgage related help and advice then please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Once we have found the most suitable mortgage for you, we’ll submit your application and progress the mortgage right through to completion, keeping you informed of key stages in the process.

Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage

The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate most Buy to Let Mortgages

There will be a fee of up to a maximum of £499 payable at mortgage application for Standard Cases typically Residential, Single Buy to Let and up to a maximum of £699 payable for more Complex Cases typically Adverse Credit, Debt Consolidation, Corporate Buy to Let, Portfolio Landlord Buy to Let, Shared Ownership, Right to Buy, Larger Loan.

The precise amount of fee will depend and be confirmed upon assessment of your circumstances.





Our key aims are to fully understand what you are looking to achieve, create a solution tailored to your needs, deliver results through an excellent service and build a relationship for life.

Nobody likes to think of the worst or what would happen if things went wrong. But what would happen if you were unable to work, due to long term illness?

How would you pay your mortgage or meet your other monthly commitments? How would your partner meet the monthly mortgage payments, in the event of your death or the diagnosis of you becoming critically ill? These are things you really should be mindful of and failure to meet monthly mortgage repayments could result in mortgage lenders repossessing your home.

We understand how important it is for you to protect yourself, your family and your home.   A package can be tailored for you to suit your needs and ultimately your budget.  The Protection and General Insurance services are referred to a third party. Neither Easylife Mortgages nor PRIMIS are responsible for the service received.





Call us on 07949 592 192

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Call us on 07949 592 192

Easylife Mortgages is a trading name of Easy Life Mortgages & Finances Ltd who are an Appointed Representative of PRIMIS Mortgage Network, a trading name of Advance Mortgage Funding Ltd. Advance Mortgage Funding Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Easylife Mortgages & Finances Ltd registered office: 7 Bridgeman Way, Lichfield, WS14 0AL. Registered in England & Wales number 05453985.

 The guidance and/or advice contained within this website is subject to the UK regulatory regime and is therefore primarily targeted at consumers based in the UK.

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